Aavolyn Corp News and Press ReleasesAavolyn Corp attends tradeshows, fairs, expos and event annually. Learn more about some of these events, see some of our past experiences and come join us at our next show! Aavolyn Press Releases The compressed natural gas market is rapidly gaining market share through the conversion of personal, commercial and fleet vehicles. Independence from foreign oil coupled with the demand for alternative fuel sources has fueled the increase in the popular compressed natural gas vehicle conversions. Natural gas is the "clean" fossil fuel. It does not contain the harmful compounds found in other fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel or coal. The most harmful environmental particles are reduced by over 90% compared to gasoline with no loss in miles per gallon. CNG exhaust Vs Gasoline is quite impressive:70% less carbon monoxide(CO2),20%less carbon dioxide(CO), 90%less nitrous oxide,87%less organic gases and 95%less fine particles. Engine buildup is reduced to a point where conventional oil can be used for 15,000 miles. Aavolyn Corp, http://www.aavolyn.com, a Millville, New Jersey manufacturer has announced its entry into "green" services with the addition of its new distributor, GreenFuels LLC located in Memphis, TN. Aavolyns expertise in the design and manufacturing of replacement parts for natural gas compressors used worldwide in gas gathering, pipelines and production facilities has contributed to the success of the Fuelmaker rebuild kits offered by GreenFuels." We are excited to be a part of technology requirements for future decades. From our history of manufacturing sealing parts in the 1940s to our present day product line, Aavolyn is positioned to become a key manufacturer for what could become a household item in the near future. How convenient and cost effective to be able to fill your car with natural gas right in your own garage! " said Lynn Farrell, President, at Aavolyn Corp. With a commitment to the renewable revolution, GreenFuels main product line is the CNG/FlexFuel conversions of commercial, municipal and private vehicles. Customers have taken advantage of GreenFuels rebuild services by sending in Fuelmaker compressor heads and modules or purchasing the other necessary parts such as pistons, piston sleeves, bearings, hoses, nozzles, timer chips.etc. Rebuild kits manufactured by Aavolyn for the Fuelmaker CNG compressors are offered exclusively through GreenFuels LLC. Close Annual Gas Compressor Institute With development of the Hugoton Gas Field in the late 1940's and early 1950's, many oil and gas companies saw a need for local training of their personnel. It was that need that led organizers to host the first Gas Measurement Institute in Liberal in 1952. About 100 people attended that first event. Encouraged by the success of the first Gas Measurement Institute, the group planned others. That first event has grown into a pair of annual institutes, the largest of which is the Gas Compressor Institute, which attracts more than 1400 people to Liberal each year. For 51 years, the Liberal Gas Institute has provided unique educational opportunities for the petroleum and natural gas industries. The institute features up-to-date and relevant programs designed expressly for field level employees. These presentations deliver both important review material and the latest new information about applicable technologies. AAVOLYN personnel had an opportunity to exhibit at this years Institute. AAVOLYN's latest ring designs along with the Type 495 Wiper Set were featured during the exhibit. Close American Petroleum Institute Golf Tournament AAVOLYN CORP and the M& J Valve Service, Farmington branch kicked up a storm under the tent to the delight of the 800 golfers that came through. Close Coal Bed Methane Fair AAVOLYN CORP along with its Gillette, Wyoming distributor, M & J Valve Services, exhibited in the CBM fair the past June. Coalbed natural gas development plays a critical role in fueling the world's strongest economy, and that role is expected to increase in the next decade as the country's reliance on clean, efficient and reliable natural gas increases. Coalbed natural gas (coalbed methane) is simply natural gas contained by water pressure in underground coal deposits. CBNG is a clean, abundant and useful natural gas source, produced and consumed domestically with the United States. Currently, the most significant area of CBNG development is the Power River Basin of Montana and Wyoming range from 25-30 trillion cubic feet. (TCF). The total U.S. consumption of natural gas annually is 23 Tcf. AAVOLYN CORP is committed to supporting the local producers by supplying "stock off the shelf" in Gillette. As pricing and regulatory issues are resolved in connection with CBM gas gathering, exploration and production. AAVOLYN plans to retain and grow its market share in the region. Close DuPont Presentation AAVOLYN Corp is again proud to be a recipient of the 2009 Certificate of License issued by Du Pont Fluor products. William Van Hoeven is shown here on January 29th, 2009, presenting Lynn Farrell, with the certificate of license at AAVOLYN's offices in Millville, New Jersey. Thank you Du Pont for considering AAVOLYN Corp a valued customer! Close GCA Conference and Expo Lynn Farrell presenting GCA Expo AAVOLYN booth winner Jason Dement of Mustang Gas Compression a Sony Music System. AAVOLYN CORP once again an exhibitor at the 11th Annual Gas Compressor Association Conference and Expo held in Galveston Texas, March 13-15, 2006. The Association is a professional trade organization dedicated to the enrichment of its members and their industry products and services. The Association keeps members abreast of changing legal and environmental regulations, fosters compliance with general safety measures and collects and reports statistical data throughout the industry. Close LAGCOE Show October 28th, 2003 through October 30th, 2003 found AAVOLYN personnel exhibiting at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition, along with our Lafayette, La, distributor, M& J Valve Services. LAGCOE has grown since its inception in 1955, to being listed among the top 200 trade shows of all types in the nation. Close Upcoming Trade Shows Visit us at the following upcoming trade shows: - Gas Compressor Institute
- GCA - Galveston, TX
- Eastern Gas Compression Round Table
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